How to Personalise an Aesthetic Smile Design 30 days access to review the entire course

Ugo Covani
Kim si Lin
DrMauroFradeani with logo

Learning Objectives

The basic elements of the ‘Visual Language’; which are the straight, inclined, horizontal and rounded lines, representing strength, dynamism, delicacy, and calmness.

On the other side in its simplistic form, people have four basic personality traits, such as strong, dynamic, calm and delicate (or combinations of the two).

If these can be analysed and the basic elements of the Visual Language are applied to the incisal silhouette, tooth shape, tooth axis and dominance of centrals of the new smile design, that will create the new formation of a personalised smile design.

This concept will allow the dentist create the most natural looking direct mock up, or the lab produce the same kind of a personalised wax up.

Nowadays with in the digital advances in dentistry, and with the Artificial Intelligence based softwares, such personalised smile designs can easily be achieved digitally, regardless of the skill levels of any dentist.

Dr. Galip Gurel graduated from the University of Istanbul, Dental School in 1981. He continued his education at the University of Kentucky, Department of Prosthodontics. Received  his MSc degree from Yeditepe University in, Istanbul.

Dr. Gurel is the founder and the honorary president of EDAD (Turkish Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry).

He was the President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) for 2011 & 2012.

He received “The Smigel” award in October 2014 which is granted biennially by New York University College of Dentistry to honor the best esthetic dentists in the world for the social contribution they create, their support for the improvement of esthetic dentistry ,their vision and determination and their ability to present innovative ideas around dentistry globally and the education they provide to the dental health professionals about advanced esthetics, technology and the new techniques in general dentistry.

He is also  a member of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics (ASDA) and American Academy of Restorative Dentistry (AARD) and the honorary diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry (ABAD) .

He is also the editor-in-chief of the Quintessence Magazine in Turkey and on the editorial board of the AACD journal, PPAD (Practical Procedure & Aesthetic Dentistry), EJED (European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry).

He has been lecturing on dental aesthetics all over the world and giving post graduate lectures on aesthetics dentistry.

He is a visiting professor at the New York University (USA) , Marseille Dental University (France) and Istanbul Yeditepe University (Turkey).

He is the author of “The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers” published by Quintessence publications in 2003 translated into 12 different languages.

He has been practicing in his own clinic in Istanbul, specializing in Aesthetic Dentistry, since 1984.

A renown sportsman, Dr. Gurel has been the Captain of the Turkish National Team of Water Polo for 110 times, a World Champion of the Camel Trophy and a participant of the Paris-Dakar Rally.

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