25 hours Course - 7 hours Q&A - 12 world class Speakers - 9 Modules with Topics that Truly Matter - 30 days Access for each Module

Investing in knowledge you will definitely have a higher return on investment than investing in Bitcoin, Real Estates, Gold or Stocks. It has always been so and always will be. You will immediately gain prestige, competitive advantage and knowledge for more advanced, safe and valuable therapies.

Access to such a high-level masterclass can be so financially convenient only if it is organized online. Now you still have access to the Early Booking price, which gives you an extra advantage.

Never before have these excellent mentors participated in an advanced periodontology online program, all together.

Participation in this event will be validated by a Certificate issued by the Institute for Advanced Dental Studies – I.A.D.S. Boston, USA.

After each Live Streaming Event, you will have access for 30 days to review any course whenever you want.

Click on the names below to see detailed information for each module

Treatment of Deep Gingival Recession in the Lower Incisors

30 days access to review the entire course

 3 hours course with the latest topic of Giovanni Zucchelli;

〉 30 min. Questions and Answers ( Q&A );


√  Buccal malposition of teeth may be the result of excessive tooth/teeth proclination beyond the cortical bone as a consequence of specific anatomic conditions, or created (or worsened) by orthodontic movement

In these cases, the occurrence of gingival recession is often associated with poor mucogingival characteristics (e.g. the apical third of the root may become transparently visible through the extremely thin alveolar mucosa, the keratinized tissue apical and lateral to the root surface

may be lost completely and the soft tissue apical to the root exposure may become probeable). As a result of these poor mucogingival conditions and root malpositioning, root-coverage surgical techniques become very challenging and complete root coverage is unpredictable . The orthodontic repositioning of root(s) within the limits of the alveolar bone may alter the prognosis of root-coverage procedures as the surgical procedure becomes easier to perform as a result of the improved quality and quantity of the keratinized tissue apical and lateral to the exposed root.

Soft Tissue Augmentation for Implant Dentistry

〉 30 days access to review the entire course


 3 hours course with the latest tricks and tips of Dr. Lin & Dr. Kim;

〉 1 hour Questions and Answers ( Q&A );


√ Soft tissue management has long been an important part in implant dentistry.

It is not only the quantity, but also the quality of the soft tissue around implants that will lead to the long-term stability and success.

This presentation will begin with the foundation of soft tissue healing and further lead to the principles of soft tissue surgeries. The clinical applications of soft tissue augmentation in implant dentistry will be reviewed. A variety of surgical techniques will be introduced to treat different types of soft tissue defects. Concepts and techniques for preventive soft tissue management are also incorporated into this lecture. This presentation will focus on clinical decision-making and surgical techniques by which comprehensive guidelines for soft tissue management can be established.

〉30 days access to review the entire recorded course 


 2.5 hours course with the latest tricks and tips of Dr. Wise

〉 45 minutes Questions and Answers ( Q&A )


√ The treatment of dental alveolar trauma should be a multidisciplinary discussion.
 Early mixed-dentition injuries ranging from simple displacements to multiple advanced intrusions combined with partial to total avulsions will be described in detail, with special emphasis on the role of orthodontist and periodontist.

Similar injuries in the adult dentition will be differentiated. The timing of guided bone regeneration and implant placement, combined with exquisite soft-tissue management, will be demonstrated on long-term follow-up cases displaying external root resorption and/or ankylosis. Participants will be enlightened by the outstanding results achievable when the focus is always from a multidisciplinary approach in the esthetic zone.

Prosthetic Management of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Tissues

Live in March 24th 2021 10.00 Athens time

〉30 days access to review the entire course


 2.5 hours course with the latest topic of Dr. Paniz 

〉 45 minutes Questions and Answers ( Q&A )


√ This presentation will focus on the restorative details that enhance the natural gingival esthetic result on restorations supported by teeth and by dental implants.

The interaction of the prosthesis with the supracrestal tissues, both on teeth and on implants will be discussed looking at biology, gingival architecture, margins design and margin positioning, morphologies of restorative profiles, materials and clinical procedures.

Analogue and digital workflows will be discussed.

Long-Term Definitive Periodontal and Endodontic Treatment: Clinical Approaches and Evidence of Success

Live in April 8th 2021 15.00 P.M. Athens time

〉30 days access to review the entire course


4 hours course with the latest topic of Professor Nevins presented at Harvard this year;

1 hour Questions and Answers ( Q&A );



Surgical and Non-Surgical Laser Applications in Periodontology/Prosthetic Planning to Obtain Natural Esthetics on Implants.

30 days access to review the entire course



 4 hours course with the latest topic of Dr. Ruiz and Dr. Cenzi

1 hours Questions and Answers ( Q&A )



In recent years, various technologies have been introduced in the dental market that aim to improve the treatment and maintenance of teeth, dental implants and other tissues of the oral cavity. One of these tools is laser technology.
It is necessary that dentists who wish to offer this technology within their daily clinical practices, know which the fundamental bases of the laser are, the safety rules of use, the indications of each wavelength and the protocols of use for each treatment.

To achieve natural appearence is the main goal when restoring implants in the aesthetic area. Therefore, a precise and proper prosthetic and surgical planning is required.
New technologies like Intraoral scanning and computer guided surgery can be very helpful and easy to use.
Along this presentation, a key aspect like the prosthetic emergence profile, will be discussed and some useful surgical and prosthetic tips about how to reach predictable results in the management of the soft tissues will be explained.


Seeking the Optimal Aesthetic Result in the Maxillary Anterior

〉30 days access to review the entire course


 2.5 hours course with the latest topic of Prof. Cardaropoli

〉 45 minutes Questions and Answers ( Q&A )



√ Single or multiple tooth extractions, due to periodontal disease, periapical infection, root fracture or dental trauma, may lead to insufficient bone volume for the insertion of endosseous implants. Literature evidence suggests the possibility to compensate for post-extraction marginal ridge contraction using socket preservation techniques, using bone substitutes and collagen membranes via an open-healing concept. On the contrary, augmentation procedures are needed when the pre-existing bone height doesn’t allow for a correct space-related implant insertion, when a proper primary stability cannot be reached or when the prosthetic rehabilitation will provide an unfavorable crown/root ratio. Severe horizontal and vertical bone resorptions require lateral and supracrestal regeneration, a challenge for clinicians since the external soft tissue pressure is considered to be a major reason for failure of the surgical procedure in nonspacemaking bone defects. Guided bone regeneration using non-resorbable membranes, customized titanium mesh as well as compressed collagen membranes have been proposed for horizontal and vertical bone augmentation. Once hard tissue has been successfully augmented, an adequate soft tissue thickness becomes mandatory in order to create healthy and stable peri-implant tissues and to improve the final esthetic outcome.

Surgical and Nonsurgical Peri- Implantitits Treatment

Live in April 15th 2021 13:00 Athens time

〉30 days access to review the entire course


 3 hours course with the latest topic of Dr. Parma-Benfenati & Dr. Marisa Roncati

〉 60 minutes Questions and Answers ( Q&A )


Early interception is a crucial factor that can improve treatment prognosis.

The correct diagnosis will facilitate pre-operative selection of appropriate techniques for the maintenance of peri-implant tissue health. The primary objective of surgical treatment in peri-implantitis lesions is to get access to the exposed implant surface to optimize the removal of bacterial contaminants and decontamination or conditioning, resolving the inflammatory lesion. Additionally, it is necessary to reconstruct the lost periodontal tissues even if the process of re-osseointegration is not currently considered predictable.

Several peri-implantitis cases with survival follow up, strategies, clinical protocol and techniques for treatment will be presented.


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